Jul 18, 2007

Love Speaks a Different Language

Its crazy when people start talking.. They forget, that every word spoken by them is being judged by people known or not known by them.
Just recently I was enjoying live Jazz being played in Java City, a young man sat a little away from me. He looked lost as long he was alone. His hands spoke more for him. He continuously kept rubbing his mouth, his face, clinching his fist. It seemed like a weird non -verbal communication. A little later, a girl walked upto him.
He stood up and gave a little smile. And suddenly he was a changed person. His hands moved, but with a strange smoothness and of course a little less than before.
His lips moved too but not much in comparison to his hands. His long dark fingers went up and down. It as astrange dance of hands and fingers. I felt i was in a trance just by looking at them.... It was beautiful... No he was not deaf or mute.
Its a Language , a language of love and fear of losing them...

Nupz™ Vagrant in a Big City...


Unknown said...


I like ur writing style.Keep it up.

Adventures said...

what an observer of human nature !!! love transforms !!C d sparks !!! so naturally a man and woman get drawn towards each other .. begining of a great romance ..